Georgetown Texas Government

Council Glossary of Terms

Policy Development / Review Workshop:

Known as the “Workshop”, this meeting is held prior to the primary City Council meeting.  The Workshop is intended as an informational session to provide Council Members with details regarding City programs, plans, and goals.  For example, the Information Technology Department will introduce the Council Video Broad Cast System or the Chief Financial Officer and City Manager will discuss Strategic Planning and Budget priorities.

Executive Session:

The Open Meetings Act provides certain narrowly-drawn exceptions to the requirement that meetings of a governmental body be open to the public. These exceptions are found in sections 551.071 through 551.086.  For more information about the Open Meetings Act, please visit the State Attorney General’s website at or the Texas State Statute link to the Open Meetings Act at

Typically, Executive Session will include Consultation with Attorney, Personnel Matters, and Deliberations about Real Property.

Certificate of Posting:

The Open Meetings Act requires written notice of all meetings.  Section 551.041 of the act provides that a governmental body shall give written notice of the date, hour, place, and subject of each meeting held by the governmental body.

Regular Session:

This is the section of the City Council meeting when the Mayor calls the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, comments from the Mayor and City Manager and any action from Executive Session is introduced.  The Mayor will also present any Proclamations or introduce special guests during this time.

Public Wishing to Address Council:

If you wish address City Council on an item not previously posted on the agenda, this is your opportunity to discuss what is on your mind.  In order to sign up to speak to Council, you must fill out the following form and submit it to the City Secretary’s office by noon on the Wednesday prior to the City Council meeting.  Request to Address Council Form:  Request to Address the City Council not posted item

Please remember when addressing City Council, you must state your name and address when you approach the speaker’s podium.  This ensures that the audio/video system captures your details that are part of the public record.  You will have three minutes to address Council or a maximum of six minutes if another speaker yields their time to you.

Statutory Consent Agenda:

This section of the agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote.  An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda to allow discussion and be acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda.

Legislative Regular Agenda:

The Regular Agenda is where Public Hearings, First and Second Readings of Ordinances, and items forwarded from the Boards and Commissions are introduced and discussed.  Resolutions and contracts are also presented to Council in this section.

City Council:

To determine who represents you, please logon to the City Council section of the website at This webpage enables you to determine which Council District you live in as well as gain access to information related to the Boards and Commissions, Election Information, Agendas and directions on how to attend Council meetings or view them on the City website from the comfort of your home or office.

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image: City of Georgetown Texas logo